Archive | April, 2013

Hodgepodge Dinner And A Brand New Apron

29 Apr

After drinking all night at a comedy and burlesque show where Screaming Names played until almost 3am, we woke up late and had a heavy lunch to help absorb the alcohol. We went to The Dog of Nashville where I had the special, an around the world dog. A Wisconsin beer brat with sauerkraut and spicy mustard, a light german beer that I can’t remember the name of and we shared chili cheese fries. Dinner was going to have to consist of something with some actual ingredients.


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Nashville And The Slip Dress

23 Apr

Even though I don’t like it (at all) I have been lightly watching the show Nashville. I live in Nashville (the city not the show) and I thought that I wanted to see how they were portraying our little city. I mainly just leave the show on while I am sewing or doing something that takes up part of my attention. I do not intend to watch past the first season, if there is one.

All that being said, I came home from work yesterday to find this notice on my mailbox.


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The Detroit Cobras Lost Me

19 Apr

I went to see The Detroit Cobras last night for the first time. I first heard of the the band yesterday and after watching a few videos on YouTube I wanted to go see the show. I went to the bar across the street from the venue for a couple of drinks and some dinner. While sipping my whiskey I overheard a guy a couple bar stools down talking about how the second band had come in from a show in Knoxville and had been delayed with a flat tire. At least I knew the show would be late.

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That Baby Needs A Car Seat Ma’am

18 Apr

After a delightful day as a waitress, where people treated me with nothing but kindness and respect, I clocked out and headed towards my Jeep. I’m asked to park a quarter-mile or so from work to provide enough parking space for the generous people who come eat lunch at the little restaurant that I work in. I walk past a pawn shop and a dollar store on the way to my ride, and today I saw something I hadn’t seen in a while. A woman pulled into the parking lot of the dollar store right in front of me, and the passenger had a tiny baby in her lap. The passenger handed the baby off to the driver and hopped out to go dollar shoppin’.

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Stuffed Cabbage Woes

18 Apr


I’ve been talking about stuffed cabbage for at least six months. It’s an old recipe of my mom’s and I just haven’t made it in years. No clue why, things just happen I suppose. So last night I go to the grocery store and get all the fixins’. I came home, cleaned out my fridge, like I do every time I go to the grocery store, washed my dishes and got started. I like to begin with a clean kitchen if possible.

I was happily prepping and taking pictures of everything when my fella arrived. Before I knew what had happened I had stuffed all the cabbage and put it in the pot. I absolutely forgot to take a picture of the stuffing process, that’s probably the most important part. Blame it on the booze, or the good conversation. I like to drink while I cook, and I really like to cook.

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Trying To Grow

15 Apr







Every single day. Grow, change, adapt or die.


Inadvertent Fleetwood Mac Obsession

15 Apr

I have just stumbled into a rather strange Fleetwood Mac obsession. It’s been coming for a week, probably more. It’s hard to explain. I never really got into Fleetwood Mac. Everyone knows the songs that come on the radio, whether you know it’s Fleetwood Mac or not, if someone played you a greatest hits compilation you would recognize quite a few songs.


My first inclining toward the band came from a chapter in the book Kill Your Idols that I read a few years ago. The author (Jim Walsh) writes an entire chapter about sneaking a deer rifle, piece by piece, into the Target Center in Minneapolis with the premeditated thoughts of killing Fleetwood Mac. It’s cryptic, and he credits his trigger finger to video games.

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With A Little Imagination

12 Apr

I had these two pieces that I wanted to keep and reuse. I tucked them away together in hopes of inspiration coming to me at some point. I have had a week pretty void of creative impulses. I tried to make a piece of art on Wednesday and I ended up throwing it away. So it goes.


Today I remembered these pieces.

I’d worn the shirt before, but I’m not a big fan of long sleeves, and I’ve never worn the skirt. I decided to take the sleeves off of the shirt and then cut 9 inches off of the skirt. I like to wear my skirts high-waisted and short.

I visualized it in my head and went to work.


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Tulips And The Vapors

7 Apr


I feel like I’m a pretty good vegetable gardener, but I’m no good with the flowers. I have some bulbs that I planted in my front bed a couple of years ago that never blossomed. This spring there was a beautiful red tulip bud growing out of one of the little flowerless piles of green. I took extra care to check it each day to see if it had opened.

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Candy Waster

4 Apr


I came out of work one day to find this ridiculous pile of loose candy in the middle of a parking spot. Gay marriage issues were making headlines that week and I felt like this was symbolic. I also wondered why they were there.