Tag Archives: clothing

A Short Dress And An Inspirational Snake

1 May

As I locked the dead bolt this morning before heading off to work, something in the flowerbed caught my eye. I looked over, and there he/she was. A snake, a ribbon snake says Google. Maybe 14 inches and he was looking right at me. I was looking right at him and I only broke our eye contact to get a picture of him and he used that opportunity to try to slither away. The porch and the concrete garden borders confused him as he bounced around for a few seconds and I was able to get a shot.


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Nashville And The Slip Dress

23 Apr

Even though I don’t like it (at all) I have been lightly watching the show Nashville. I live in Nashville (the city not the show) and I thought that I wanted to see how they were portraying our little city. I mainly just leave the show on while I am sewing or doing something that takes up part of my attention. I do not intend to watch past the first season, if there is one.

All that being said, I came home from work yesterday to find this notice on my mailbox.


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With A Little Imagination

12 Apr

I had these two pieces that I wanted to keep and reuse. I tucked them away together in hopes of inspiration coming to me at some point. I have had a week pretty void of creative impulses. I tried to make a piece of art on Wednesday and I ended up throwing it away. So it goes.


Today I remembered these pieces.

I’d worn the shirt before, but I’m not a big fan of long sleeves, and I’ve never worn the skirt. I decided to take the sleeves off of the shirt and then cut 9 inches off of the skirt. I like to wear my skirts high-waisted and short.

I visualized it in my head and went to work.


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Now It’s My Dress

3 Apr

I found this lovely polka dot dress at the Goodwill last week.


I paid $8 for it, all the dresses at my local Goodwill are at least that much. I complain a little, but it’s much less expensive than a large retail store. I am frugal yes, but the main reason that I continue to purchase my clothes second-hand is because I love individuality.

I tried to wear this dress last Saturday and it looked awful on me. It was that length that is way too long to be short, but too short to be long. I felt frumpy, none of my shoes looked good with it and it seemed a little plain. I changed into one of my trusty black skirts and put it in the back of my mind to float around.

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Stud Your Shit!

24 Feb

I recently came into a little pile of assorted studs.


Kate brought them over last Saturday for our craft brunch and I have been trying to decide what to do with them since. I put my old jean jacket on Bridgette so I could decide where the studs should go.

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Mini Skirt Apron

23 Feb

I whipped up this little cutie yesterday.


My inspiration came from the warmer weather and thoughts of wearing an apron over shorts. It always looks like I don’t have on shorts because the apron is longer. So why not make it cute?

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Diy Apron

13 Feb

It’s Wednesday, halfway there! I took next Monday off to go see the Old 97’s on their anniversary tour. So that means three-day weekend! I am ready for a night out of town! I’ll only be traveling a couple of hours but it quells my travel  urges until I can get a little further. Yesterday evening I made a new apron for work, it was way over due. Luckily I work at a place that allows me the freedom to wear whatever I want. It’s very laid back, and most of the other employees wear regular aprons that tie around the waist. I was tired of getting  food on my clothes though, and I hated wearing clothes that I didn’t care getting food on. I feel how I dress, and vice versa. It’s very influential to my mood. My solution is a full coverage apron. The first one I bought as a plain white apron, then dyed and crafted it. This one I made from scratch. I started with a trouser leg.


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