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Busy Little Spider

28 Jun


I feel rather busy, yet I can’t help but let the little things catch my eye.

Renegade Cicada

25 Jun


I read in the news a couple of months ago about the cicadas that were coming to the east coast for the summer. I hoped that I would end up in the area at the right time to see the little buggers, and it just so happened that Rails Girls DC coincided. Well they didn’t visit DC, and we didn’t see them when we moved on to Asheville NC either. I had lost hope. I love the sounds they make, it reminds me of so many different times in my life.

I walked around the side of the house this morning to get the hose and there it was. Hanging off the back of my fella’s motorcycle cover was a cicada shell. We aren’t due for cicadas here in Nashville for some time, so I think he may have traveled to see me.

Flowers and Mosquitoes

4 Jun


I have been a very busy lady lately. Among many other things I have been preparing for a little vacation time. Vacation actually begins with the Rails Girls workshop in Washington DC next Thursday. Since I will be traveling 11 hours from home in the middle of the week I went ahead and took Friday off of work so we can scoot on down to some ocean before visiting Asheville NC and heading home Sunday. I don’t really like to sit still for too long you can see.

The spring has been long as the summer is taking longer than usual to arrive here in Nashville. My plants are absolutely loving it. The Asiatic Lillies are twice the size that they were last year, and they were too gorgeous to keep to myself.


While trying to keep the mosquitoes away I accidentally singed the Yucca flowers with a tiki torch flame. The outcome was the prettiest gray little flowers with black singed edges.


Snail For A Day

20 May


I was gardening yesterday when I spotted this little guy on the patio. No bigger than my thumbnail and the same color as the concrete, I have no idea why i noticed him. He was so active that I watched him for a while and took some video. I saw him move that little stick without a problem.

It’s hard to explain the feeling I get from something so simple and small. Something that goes otherwise unnoticed, but today became a part of the actual world wide web. His whole life this little snail could have gone along without a person actually seeing him, but I saw him. I named him Carney.

Lovely Little Drips

15 May


After watering the gardens and all the little plants I sat down on my front porch to drink some coffee this morning before work. I looked over and saw all these little drips on the elephant ears that my sister gave me a couple years ago. It looked so calm and pretty that I wanted to spend the entire day watching it evaporate. Instead I just snapped a few photos and went on my way.


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Trying To Grow

15 Apr







Every single day. Grow, change, adapt or die.


Tulips And The Vapors

7 Apr


I feel like I’m a pretty good vegetable gardener, but I’m no good with the flowers. I have some bulbs that I planted in my front bed a couple of years ago that never blossomed. This spring there was a beautiful red tulip bud growing out of one of the little flowerless piles of green. I took extra care to check it each day to see if it had opened.

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Candy Waster

4 Apr


I came out of work one day to find this ridiculous pile of loose candy in the middle of a parking spot. Gay marriage issues were making headlines that week and I felt like this was symbolic. I also wondered why they were there.

Nothing In Reality

3 Apr



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Turkey Season In Tennessee

2 Apr
