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Flowers and Mosquitoes

4 Jun


I have been a very busy lady lately. Among many other things I have been preparing for a little vacation time. Vacation actually begins with the Rails Girls workshop in Washington DC next Thursday. Since I will be traveling 11 hours from home in the middle of the week I went ahead and took Friday off of work so we can scoot on down to some ocean before visiting Asheville NC and heading home Sunday. I don’t really like to sit still for too long you can see.

The spring has been long as the summer is taking longer than usual to arrive here in Nashville. My plants are absolutely loving it. The Asiatic Lillies are twice the size that they were last year, and they were too gorgeous to keep to myself.


While trying to keep the mosquitoes away I accidentally singed the Yucca flowers with a tiki torch flame. The outcome was the prettiest gray little flowers with black singed edges.


DIY Vanity Makeover

16 May

IMAG1928Anyone remember that old mirror that I turned into an earring holder? It was ok, but I really wasn’t crazy about it. I had three of these mirrors in the little vanity area of my bedroom and I craved something new. I mixed a little paint together to match one of the colors in my bed spread and I painted all three mirrors this nice maroon-like color. I had this whatnot that I picked up at the goodwill a few months ago and I decided to paint it too!

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Lovely Little Drips

15 May


After watering the gardens and all the little plants I sat down on my front porch to drink some coffee this morning before work. I looked over and saw all these little drips on the elephant ears that my sister gave me a couple years ago. It looked so calm and pretty that I wanted to spend the entire day watching it evaporate. Instead I just snapped a few photos and went on my way.


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Artists And Pincushions

1 May


If only I could be one of those people. Inspiration all around me, creative at the drop of a hat, always in a pleasant mood. Alas, I’m just a moody, fickle artist. I can’t really afford a life as a moody fickle artist since I haven’t really done anything to earn enough monetary security to seclude myself from the outside world and just drink and create. So I must work, as a waitress. It’s easier said than done, you must put on this face everyday and be fairly pleasant no matter how you really feel. Similar to being a stepford wife I assume.

I tend to romanticize the life of an artist, but I don’t know if it would be much different from my current everyday life. I would make my lists as usual, and depending on the day I would actually do the things on my list. There is no way that a person can feel creative and motivated all the time, is there? Maybe it’s just a decision, mind over matter and that type of thing. Can I really decide to be creative and motivated every single day no matter what? That’s heavy man.

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Turkey Season In Tennessee

2 Apr


Studded Phone Case And The 3%

28 Mar


I grew tired of the green eyes that would replace my brown ones. Every time I would see one of those studded phone cases I was in love, but not enough to shell out the cash. You see dearies, I am very frugal. I like to save my money for bigger and better things instead of spending it on the trivial things. As a waitress you understand more than most that pennies really do add up to dollars. I prefer to make the things that I covet, and in doing so I am able to exercise my artistic expression as well as set myself apart from the norm. I used the last of my studs, and a feather that broke off an earring.

I will be shopping for more studs asap. If anyone has a favorite site to order studs from please feel free to let me know.

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Full Worm Moon

27 Mar



I finally finished this piece that sat in the back of my closet for at least a year. Sometimes the inspiration leaves me and I have to wait for it to come back. I was doing fifteen other things this evening when I thought about this piece and pulled it out to finish. I enjoy incorporating texture into plain pencil drawings. I like contrast, and I strive to carry it out in a way that doesn’t cheapen it.

The moon is full tonight, making me feel restless and a little overwhelmed with nothing.